State scientific and technical expert examination

State scientific and technological expert examination (STE) is an integral part of the mechanism of formation and realization of scientific-technological and innovation policy of the state. It is a specialized valuation and analytical work, allowing to create and evaluate scenarios, options for decision-making to select on a competitive basis the most efficient programs and projects of fundamental and applied nature within the framework of the Federal target program (FTP) and other Federal and Regional activities, provides a comprehensive analysis of their feasibility, efficiency and competitiveness of its products developed as the result of project implementation.

The regulatory framework of STE is provided by the Federal Law of 23.08.1996 No. 127-ФЗ “On Science and the State Scientific and Technical Policy”, a normative act of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia (Regulation on State Scientific and Scientific and Technical Expertise in the Field of Science and Innovations), as well as the standard technological examination process created in the SRI FRCEC the form of organization standards (OST), which meets the modern requirements for conducting state expertise in the field of science.

For the implementation of objective and independent expert activities the SRI FRCEC has created and actualized the Federal Roster of Experts (FRE), which is accredited by the most competent and authoritative scientists-experts in their respective fields of science and technology. FRE represents the expert community, which combines highly qualified scientists and specialists from different regions of Russia, CIS and far abroad, with the knowledge and practical skills for solving problems of analysis of the scope of research and development, the formation of R & D topics and projects and conduct of expert examination of scientific-technological documents on key issues of development of scientific-technological complex of the Russian Federation. On the basis of modern information technologies and network communications the SRI FRCEC created a system of remote expert examination, which allows us to provide expert services in virtually all Regions of the Russian Federation.